viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

“THE ACT OF REGULARITY”: To amend what has happen amiss, and to hold a yearly communication and General Assembly of Masons at London, England

1 – The Reinstatement of the full wording on the delivery of the Masonic Penalties.
2 – The freedom and right of a Lodge to Practice its Masonic ritual of choice, such as York, Ancient and Accepted, Ancient and Primitive, Adoniram, Swedish, Rectified Scottish Rite, Schroeder Rite, etc…
3 – The right of every Master Mason to use and chose an apron design as long it is decorated with symbols that relate to the Craft.
4 – No interference of the Craft in the so-called higher degrees and vice versa.
5 – An equilibrium between Masonic work, instruction and science and charitable and social duties.
6 – The option of reading the Masonic ritual in Lodge.
7 – Greater autonomy for the Symbolic Lodges.
8 – Better and more transparency in Grand Lodge decisions and affairs.
9 – Devolution of the Masonic Library, Museum and archives to the Craft legal owners.
10 – To permit all aspects of the esoteric Masonic tradition, such as symbols, words, uses and customs.
11 – Freedom of association outside of the Craft.
12 – To promote the spirit of Brotherhood among Freemasons.
13 - The reinstatement of the Mark Mason Ceremony as a complement of the Fellow Craft Degree.
Lastly, this our Regulations shall be Recorded in our Registry, to show posterity how much we desire to revive the Ancient Craft upon true Masonical principles.

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